Friday, February 14, 2020

BBDO agency project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

BBDO agency project - Research Paper Example The purpose of the following document is to provide details of the creative marketing campaign and proposed campaign ideas and marketing communications strategies for the BBDO Agency’s campaign to launch the 2012 McLaren MP4-12C in the United Arab Emirates market. This is an affluent market motivated by luxury, status and the performance engine, all trademarks of the McLaren brand. This report also identifies and describes the consumer segments that the campaign intends to target, including the target market’s demographics, psychographics, and VALS. In addition, this report includes a SWOT analysis, a detailed description of the marketing mix and a discussion of the future outcomes of the outcomes. Executive Summary The purpose of the following report is to present the campaign ideas in regards to the McLaren MP4-12C product offering in the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The main purpose of the report is to describe the target McLaren MP4-12C th at exists in this market, and to highlight the attitudes and purchasing intention among these consumers that the McLaren MP4-12C brand can capitalize upon in 2012. Established in 1989, the McLaren Automotive brand operates as an exclusive luxury performance vehicle brand primarily in the United States and Europe; however, global opportunities exist for this product offering, and the survey results indicate a very high level of satisfaction with the quality of the brand. McLaren Automotive recently expanded its operations into the Asia Pacific region, and the McLaren MP4-12C now sells through a number of selected vendors in Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. ... its operations into the Asia Pacific region, and the McLaren MP4-12C now sells through a number of selected vendors in Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, specifically Abu Dhabi and Dubai. 1.1 Objectives The objectives of this research report were to ascertain the perceived value and level of satisfaction with the McLaren MP4-12C product offering among consumers. The research report author utilized the Qualtrics Survey Software tool to compile and tabulate responses from 29 consumers. The results are displayed in table form in section 4 of this report. In addition, the objective of this report is to demonstrate the high brand equity that the McLaren brand already enjoys in the United Arab Emirates, and to leverage this consumer appreciation completely and strategically. 1.2 Results The initial results of the survey indicate a very high level of satisfaction with the product offering. 77 percent of the respondents indicated that they were v ery satisfied with the McLaren MP4-12C product offering. In addition, the McLaren MP4-12C enjoys high brand recognition and significant brand equity among the consumers surveyed. 1.3 Key Findings The report indicates that the product has a strong appeal among the consumers surveyed. It also indicates that the perceived exclusivity of the McLaren brand remains the key competitive advantage for the McLaren MP4-12C product offering. In addition, the results indicate that the McLaren MP4-12C could position the product offering as a luxury item in key luxury market segments in the United Arab Emirates. 1.4 Conclusions and Recommendations The research report author concludes that the product is a very strong offering and that consumer appeal in the United Arab Emirates is high. The research

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Assingment 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assingment 3 - Assignment Example A favorable relationship allows the manager to have a task structure that is highly formed and he is able to punish or reward the employees. An unfavorable relationship is usually associated with a poor task structure and the leader has limited authority. 3) Positioning power-, this variable usually measures the amount of power and authority that a manager perceives the organization has granted him for the purpose of rewarding, directing, and punishing of subordinates. Positioning of managers usually depends on the increment of the decision making power of employees. Path goal is a theory that was developed in order to describe the way leaders are able to support and encourage their followers in the achievement of goals that have been set by making the path of success easy and clear (House, 1996). The leader in this case is supposed to, This type of leadership involves the consideration of the follower’s needs, showing concern for their wellbeing and the creation of a working environment that is friendly. This will include the increment of the self-esteem for the followers and enhancing job roles to make work more interesting. This usually works best in a scenario whereby the work is hazardous, boring, or stressful. Directive leadership is the kind of leadership whereby the leader tells the followers what is supposed to be done and helps in guiding them along the way. This will include schedules for specific work and specific time. This involves the consultation of followers and asking for ideas and considering them in the process of decision-making. This approach usually works best in a situation whereby the followers are experts in a certain field. This involves the setting up of goals that are challenging for self-improvement and at work. In this case, high standards are usually expected and demonstrated. The leader should show faith in capabilities of the follower. This approach is best in a complex job